The high price of saving the euro
While many congratulate themselves on saving the euro, it raises the question of the cost of that policy. The figures may be scary (above), but what lies behind them are even more. We cannot forget the way EU politicians have managed the crisis: Germany commands, and other Member States only have the right to ratify. Where are the democratic principles? Former Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker even managed to say that, if the Greeks did not comply with the imposed measures, the European Union had „instruments of tourture in a cellar“.
What has the EU required of countries such as Greece, Portugal, Spain and many others ? The dismantling of the welfare state! No jobs and no economic growth, but only mass unemployment and therefore no prospect for young people! Added to that are cuts to wages and pensions, and moreover not always for those who earn a lot, but especially for those who don’t own much and most likely will never do. It’s been a long time that the European Union has had no social dimension, and it would be unrealistic to believe that it could still have one in its current form.
The ADR is convinced that it would be in the interest of Greece (and of the euro) to leave the euro zone. We should not exclude the idea of a euro zone only consisting of countries that are able to guarantee the stability of the euro. We should also provide financial assistance to countries, especially Greece, that would benefit from leaving the euro zone.
Some argue that leaving the euro, which should come into consideration for Greece, would have with negative consequences. The truth is: as the euro cannot be devalued in these countries, an internal devaluation is observed, which means that wages are getting lower. Is this really more positive for the people concerned than the consequences of a „grexit“?
What is certain, is that the financial crisis is being used as a pretext to abandon sovereign rights. The EU had enough control mechanisms based on the Maastricht Treaty, but these provisions were constantly violated. Some heads of government and heads of state have allowed others not to stick to the criteria that were set. The stability instuments, which could help avoid such a crisis, were indeed there, but have not been respected. And today, those representatives of an undemocratic Europe – because they have never respected the rules, because they have not done their job – want more rights and power!
Some Member States are simply not competitive enough to stay in the monetary union. And a stronger European Commission, respectively a stronger European Parliament wouldn’t change this situatioun!
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